Catholic Women's League
Membership drive - 100 years of CWL in Canada
Little Flower CWL is looking for members for 2020. Our goal is for 20 members for the 100th Anniversary of the Canada CWL. Members can be active, semi active, or just paying members. Active membership means attending meetings and helping out at events. Semi active means helping for some events, and paying members only pay dues.
Our Annual events which need volunteers include Rice Offering for Peace and Development, Spring Garage Sale and Bbq, Fall Craft and Bake Sale, handing out candy canes at Christmas, and helping with St. Nicholas activities with St. Augustine students, and other areas of service in our Church.
Annual Membership is $27/year and checks can be made to Little Flower CWL and put into the mail folder for Tracy Desrosiers (in the pamphlet room).
Any questions can be answered by calling Judy Klenk at 306-789-6980 or email
Social Sundays
Immediately following 10 a.m. Mass
Join us for coffee and refreshments on the first, second and fourth Sunday of each month. We'd love to see you there! A free-will offering is appreciated.
Low-Gluten Hosts
Do you have an intolerance to gluten? We now have low-gluten hosts available enabling you to receive the Sacred Bread at Communion. Please identify yourself to Father Jose prior to Mass in order to receive this Bread.
Going on Vacation?
When you go on vacation, don’t forget to mail or deliver your church envelope to your own church. Regular expenses continue through the summer months and we rely on your donations. Thank you.
Sun | 10:00am |
Mon | No Mass |
Tue | 4:00pm |
Wed | 8:00am |
Thu | 9:45am |
Fri | 8:00am |
Sat | 5:00pm |